...yeah, that's right... I am posting again... what of it...
I spent the morning trying to find the name of this sculptor whose work i saw on display at the new contemporary galleries as the transformed AGO...
I even got the few remaining drones at TIFFG this holiday season in on the party... Dave and Meg and I spent an hour entering google searches with combinations of
"face" "sculpture" "silicone" "creepy" "mashed up" "toronto" "Art Gallery of Ontario" "contemporary" "stretchy" and "squishy"....
and finally we landed on Even Penny...
I cannot describe to you the sensation of eerie creepus-maximusness that grabs hold when you view his works... The one in the AGO is like the one at left... a normal face, just elongated... please, do not attempt to adjust your screen, it is actually just stretched out like that, but in every other way an exact replica of a human face... each hair is real and individually added, each pore is porously there, the lips, the nexk, the everything is real...
... and the face is about 6ft tall, and just staring at you... and you keep thinking he's gonna open his mouth and ask you what the fuck it is you think you are looking at.... it's a total head trip, mindfuck....
... and Evan Penny, a Toronto-based artist, does lots of them... different distortions, angular views, human backs.. its freaking creepy. My current favourite is the project he did with Michael Awad, another favourite local artist of mine

Freaky freaky y'all.... sweet dreams

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