Friday, November 2, 2007

...a couple things cyberfound

first off TO DO LIST is a fucking funny time wasting blog...

it scans and posts other peoples to do lists.... it's like postsecret: the next generation, what are the steps in carrying out that anonymous secret sent in to Frank in Maryland.... curious, check the blog.....

second is this:

I demand you watch it, IMMEDIATELY!!!!

It's the loudest I have ever laughed in the office.... and I didn't care, because anyone that walked in was completely mesmerized by the hilarious patheticness of it... i started it over and over again... i love it...

Its part of the MORTIFIED project of public readings of angst-ridden teenage journals.... it's fucking fantastic! they have an after-school orchestra that accompanies them (adults playing the instruments they used to play in band, playing the songs they WISHED they played in band, think Meatball and STYX) and travel the country (USA, unfortunately) looking for people to share their most embarassing teen moments.....

It's like I found the mothership


Tatiana said...
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Tatiana said...
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