I am currently sifting through years upon years of entries, letters, random ramblings, to try and pick something to send. An opportunity not to be missed. I really wanna do this in the Tdizzle.... anyone interested in helping me out?
Eyelevel Gallery - DEAR DIARY…Call
DEAR DIARY…Call for letters, confessions, diary entries, found letters....
Brian looked really hot with spiked hair! like Billy Idol but not as mean!! I think he thinks I’m hot too because we fooled around after school in the equipment room behind the basketballs.
Have you ever professed your lust by letter? Did you write it in blood? Eyelevel Gallery is looking for your most heart-retching diary entries, pathetic notes of passion, confessions of revenge and ridiculous resolutions. Words that now make you cringe or wonder, “What the heck was I thinking?” Words that you don’t mind sharing
with a room of strangers…
Inspired by American cult phenomenon “Mortified,” here’s your chance to bare and hare all. On Friday March 9 (location to be announced), Eyelevel is hosting a fundraising night of real-life readings from brave souls in need of a hilariously cathartic experience. To secure your place at the microphone, email
with a very brief description of what you would like to read.
If you’re too shy, or if you live in Saskatoon, Vancouver or Quebec City, and still want to experience the joy and release of “Dear Diary,” Eyelevel Gallery will match your correspondence with an experienced reader who will interpret your words with kindness and spirit. Simply scan or email the words to director@eyelevelgallery.ca, or send a photocopy to Eyelevel Gallery, 2128 Gottingen Street, Halifax, NS, B3K 3B3.
Some suggestions:
Diaries, love letters, hate letters, postcards, emails, lyrics, phone messages, essays, calls for revenge. Anything that relives the pain of high school, broken hearts or dreams…
Since November 1974, when it first opened its doors in Halifax,
Eyelevel Gallery has been a major contributor to the local and
national visual arts community. It has been a venue for and supported
a variety of cultural events including theatre, dance and musical
performances. As a non-profit charitable organization, annual
fundraisers like Dear Diary enable us to continue to offer our
programming including exhibitions, workshops and artist presentations
to the public free of charge.
Email: Eryn Foster, Eyelevel Gallery, at director@eyelevelgallery.ca
Phone: 902-425-6412
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