Well, it's time for yet-another-sure-to-be-fabulous event!!!!! for all of you out there who aren't celebrating easter by attending this or this(eek!).... you most definitely should be coming out to the Freaking Easter Egg Hunt!!!!

Last year's took place in Kensington Market... and was a shit-ass buttload of super-fantastical fun..... This year they are hitting up Bloor St..... the full event details will be at the bottom of this post...... But may I just say that this is one of the things I love about the newmindspace cats... they are not shitdisturbers just for the sake of it... I think they most definitely take pleasure in the ruckus that can be cause by a large group of creative, original funlovers taking part in communal activities in venues not used to hosting them... but they aren't vengeful, they try and spread the chaos around, so that they are not abusing any one group of people. Disturbance can be amazing, continued disturbance can be down right annoying (seriously, someone, needs to tell this to my downstairs neighbour.... one high-hat speed-fuelled kickass drum solo is fine, once nightly....... Ijust may kill the guy..... and he has the NERVE to complain about my moving the coffee table.... but I digress..... this is fodder for another post)

So come out! The event is family friendly.... so bring the kiddlies (Yeah Court, I am talking to you.... take Daryn out of the pot and put that chicken little to work)...... and run, walk, bike, skip, amble, hop, crawl, shuffle, strut........ where was i going?.... right.... come hunt for easter eggs..... and anyone up for a little competition...
...............................I bet I can find more eggs than you can!!!!!!
EVENT INFO - Sunday April 8
This year's urban Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Bloor St. W between Yonge and Bathurst! :)
The hunt starts at 11:00 AM and ends when the eggs are all gone :)

1 comment:
thanks for posting this :)
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