Wednesday, April 4, 2007

...there's something about chewie....

..... My cousin Bailey is almost 2years old..... and she is just about the cutest thing ever.... Well, at least as cute as every other really girly cute kid out there in a green tweed jumper and matching bloomers... and last night we was chillin'.... at my passover seder.... at my aunt and uncles house....

.... and this place is surreal... it has the EXACT same furnishings, workout machines, televisions, and toys that have been there since I was Bailey's age... and thus I can assure you guys that Bay was having the exact same experience that I did over twenty years ago.... and it is because of this that I can extol the universal appeal of Chewbacca for girls.....

.... My cousin is not familiar with Star Wars... the original or the new craptastic films of George Lucas' creation.... however, when she stumbles upon the Chewbacca action figure (original, 1979, movin arms and legs, vintage.... suh-weet, let me just mention) she was INSTANTLY in love with his hairy self......

.....GIRLS LOVE CHEWIE..... I think it is because he resembles a teddy bear wearing a fur coat.... and the love only grows after they hear the snorting, groaning lowing noises of Shyriiwook that accompany his soft demeanor..... and experience the non-stop, faithfulness that is his love for Hans Solo ..... and the lengths which he will go to defend his honour, the Millenium Falcon and the Force.... and the physical prowess that is his 7 foot self.....

I want to marry Chewbacca, Bailey girl, you picked a winner

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