.....what is it with guys and the soul patch?
It's becoming more and more prominent these days..... and on guys who, three, two years ago, would ust not have had that as the facial hair of choice.....
.... I saw a guy, prada sunglasses, white and pointy runners, ex-PEN-sive jeans..... sporting that patch like it was the skinny little guido chin strap of the new millenium.....
really, the thing collects food like nobody's business.... and is really not that fun to kiss, a girl can get used to it, but i had a boyfriend with a serious SP once, and i practically had to build up a chin callous to counteract the scratchy hairs.....
.... do you think it's supposed to act like the little swatches of hair that are on display in the dye aisle at the drugstore? So that when you are talking to some dude in a bar, you have a little sample of whats 'down the road?'
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