....Martin Klimas does.... but when he does it, it's art.....
....His new exhibition, entitled "Temporary Statues" is up at the Foley Gallery in NYC. Basically. Klimas throws stuff at the ground, and photographs it at the point of impact. Creating images of statues that will only ever exist in the moment they are created.....

I think that's what makes these successful... like the need to throw something, create that kind of chos.. fragments splintering off, it is sort of the externalization of what's going on with you... well, with me, I guess.... the need to break something is sort of like the explosion, the fragmentation of everything... that's what frustration is... everything going a million different ways... it'll get cleaned up, sorted out... but just for a second - brain, heart, patience - they go in a kabillion different directions.
Anyway.... enough of what i think, because whether what I just said is so much bullshit, or whether you're kinda pickin' up what I'm laying down... you have to admit, these pictures are fucking cool..... On the other hand, if you're into the whole "what others think" thing you can check out the Foley Gallery Blog... it's pretty cool... no entry on Klimas yet... but I am sure one is to come forthwith....
Klimas, a German photographer, who is succesful commercially, as well as in the arts community, does a lot of capturing "moments in time". By definition, all still photography is but a fleeting frame... but his workdraws attention to this fact... it's meaning exists purely on the surface... without any message exhibit the self-awareness of it's fragility, its uniqueness....
It kinda reminds of that Pleix video Birds:Vitalic. Its so random... and defends itself from analysis by having no meaning beyond its own image...

If you try and read into it you will become so frustrated you just may need to bust shit up.
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