... when i was a kid, more often than not my after school snack consisted of no name chicken bologna... i would wrap pickles in it, or cheese soldiers (which, for those of you not awesome like me, is cheese cut into sticks, when lined all up in a row look like soldiers)...
... it was awesome! sounds gross i know, and to be completely honest, it was a little gross. chicken bologna is basically the ground up pieces of the chicken that no one would possibly purchase in their original condition, reconstituted and sliced and sold 15 to a package... And it was constantly in my fridge, i have this vivid memory of my dady, coming home from the office, still in his coat, smelling like winter, standing by the open fridge door and eating it straight from the package....
and it looks like it could be again. They discontinued the
no name line of products in the early 90s. It was all the rage in the early 80s. introduced in 1978, after a big economic crisis it offered people simple food, cheap. It died and was replaced by
President's Choice in the Reagan happy, label loving late 80's. We were supposed to be happy about it, because a great friend of the family (coincidentally one of my still all-time favourite people on earth) was integral in the development of the new line. But truth is, I missed that thickly sliced chicken bologna in the bright yellow packaging that was a constant in my childhood snacktime.
And now it looks like it may become a part of my cheap living, squatter diet, because THEY ARE BRINGIING BACK NO NAME!!!! I was just thinking they should, the other day... no odea how it came to mind, but i was thinking that with the economy being what it is, and the brand landscape littered with superfluous luxury, a good, reliable economy brand that is not associated with negative connotations, and as a strong tie to a powerbrand would do so well.
And tonight, on my TV, there is Galen Weston, hocking the no name brand.
The question is, whats the skinny on the chicken bologna?