Saturday, June 26, 2010

... G20 insanity....


has the police presesence (and the cost of the security) been a self-fulfilling prophecy?

... or just a really good idea.

Obviously, we can never know, and generally its probably a little bit of both.

But it is safe to say that the violence and chaos erupting at the Eaton Centre and in the financial district is basic mob mentality and less and less about the issues or democratic free right to speech and political expression.

The problem is that whats happening in Toronto today is not being represented in the news, which is the way the world IS, in fact, watching this unfold.

What they do not see is that there are over 9000 people in the downtown core who have no violent intentions, have only something to say, and a ghost town in which to shout it out.

There is literally no reason to go into the business and financial district today unless you are in some way drawn to the arena which has been created for the G20. I am not sure that all 9000 know what they are saying when they are chanting the slogans such as "Down With the Wall" or "Economic Sovereignty Know" but each one of them is participating in the democratic process while doing so. And its what makes it work.

Unfortunately, just as old as the democratic system are the ways that people in power exploit it, and the lengths that those who feel powerless will go to express that and regain what feels like freedom.

They have ripped up an American Apparel - and given the free chance, who of you wouldnt love to take a shit on Dov Charney (except he'd probably like it)

But the ridiculously idiotic actions of a black bloc have ruined the exact point of the demonstration... and those fucking morons who donned a black mask as a disguise rather than a safety technique. Who enjoy the destruction more than the message. Its these asshats that have necessitated the ridiculous spending on security. Without the ridiculous police presence, fences, crowd control measures, it would be buildings burning, not cars... There is no limit to a mobs capability, except if it is stopped.

Those police are protecting peoples daughters, fathers, brothers, and friends... perhaps yuppies, or capatilists, pigheaded consuming morons with big carbon footprints... but people. You guys are the reason they need to leave Police Cars in the streets to serve as decoys and draw the destructive element, and leave the police some freedom to move on the busloads of bikes i saw being unloaded at the Delta Chelsea earlier this week.

and if you assholes put them in harms way you DO need to be stopped.

The news makes it sound like "Activist" is a dirty word. but you stupid morons with rocks and bricks and lighting fires and throwing feces into broken store windows are making it look like one.

But the rest of you. Those of you with things to say and are willing to stand behind them, no bellaclavas needed. you keep to the streets, you say what you mean, and stay safe.

this is making me fucking mad... I love this town, and you guys are seriously scratching it up... you small group of morons are making it look dirty and angry and it sucks.

tomorrow the 100 of 25000 protestors in bellaclavas. using masks to commit violence will have left black stains, broken glass and angry cops for the rest of us to deal with.

You call yourself protestors, but you cheapen that term for all the true protestors out on the street, you are the fucking problem... you think you would make a better world? in Ghana or Rwanda or India you would be the warmongers and slumlords.... it makes me sick.


It happened in Seattle, it happened here. I know it will be fine. We will still be Toronto.

I wonder if Twitter and Facebook will be used to find perpetrators later


Mayor Miller in a press conference. Last violent protest in Toronto was 15 years ago... and you can find one at least once a week.

He ain't lieing. Toronto has a political assembly on the lawns of Queens Park, Nathan Phillips Square or University Ave at least that often. Political expression is a part of everyday life here. That is one of the only things I thought may make toronto a good site for a G20 summit. There is a knowledge here, a group memory of peaceful protest and freedom of expression.

But Mayor, you have just made yourself look like a moron by saying you learned about the 5-metre rule from the Toronto Star. Its true, Dalton McGinty was like the asshole older brother that didnt tell you he was holding a party when mom and dad were away... but c'mon, you should have been reading his diary or hacking into his email... thats your JOB!

Thats because those required political opinion and actual brain cells.... G20 is like the Michael Moore documentary of a protest... All you need is a general idea of issues (at least a soundbyte or slogan) and a really big anger to enjoy it.


Police Cruiser out front of Steve's Music on Queen is on fire and fire department cant get anywhere near it... May burn one of the last independently owned business left in the area.... way to go Black Bloc, was that your point?

Your violence is literally making more room for the GAPs and Starbucks of the world to take over...

fucking morons.

Intelligent passerby on CityNews. They are by far the best coverage i've seen. The woman is saying the Black Bloc IS distracting from the peaceful protest. But its hard because they are a product of the very thing that so many are protesting against. The product of a world that is raping its natural resources and selling its soul for power.


cops showing up at the fire at Steves... should be ok... probably tonnes of smoke damage to hundreds of guitars, pianos, etc... which fucking sucks....

police on the scene... in droves! but its pretty peaceful... looks more like order than oppression, thanks to both the police and the crowd. bravo on that, at least

Mayor Miller yelling at CTV newscasters for trying to misquote him during a live interview broadcast: Priceless!

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