Sunday, June 13, 2010

... two bands, two things...

When i write cards, be they birthday, goodbye, congratulations or random, I always write,

"may life bring you good luck and happy coincidence."

I was lucky tonight. i got both. I did one of my favourite things... I got a last minute invite from a friend to go hear a band i didnt know... and they were awesome. so was the band that opened for them.

First Aid Kit and Samantha Crain both rocked the Riv tonite.

And i learned two very valuable lessons. Valuable enough that i felt they needed to be recorded for posterity, to last for all time on the interweb (the closest modern day equivalent i have to stone tablets):

"a hard on doesn't mean you're in love"  - Samantha Crain

"time is tough on me"  - First Aid Kit

both valuable insights.....

1 comment:

Jill said...

she covered Wither Hand's song Hardon. Her version was better.