.... Everyone.... stop reading this entry RIGHT NOW and go to Chris Jordan's website.... look at the Running the Numbers: American Self Portrait series... come back to me once you have seen it.....
....Was your mind blown.....?
Those of you who didn't fo when I first told you to, here is your second chance to not be a huge dumb ass...... go see the coolest thing i have encountered in a LOOOOOONG while...
If you still haven't done it there is nothing I can do for you.... It's such an amazing idea.... to create images from exactly the thing you are criticizing, or even simply contemplating on, without judgement....
although, anyone that can look at these and not think of the States as a place of hyberbolic caricature boggles my mind.... almost as much as the waste.....
Friday, April 20, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
... i am using you....
.... just in case you were wondering... i am only friends with people i think are AWESOME... and this is because they lead me to more awesome people....
....this process has been sped up exponentially by the advent of facebook (and I am not commenting on it as a social phenomenon, i leave that to EVERYONE else.... like they weren't expecting it, after myspace, youtube, google... shocker people like the internet to find things... bigger shock, we like to find ourselves on it)
.... anyway I found this guy on this guys's page....
His name is Izik Levy and he is an amazing glass artist.... I love glass art...
seriously this will be a topic for a future post... but lets just say. Glass speaks to me... and Izik Levy's is saying "I AM SOOOOO COOL"...

....then i went to his website... it kicks ASS!...
...go there... immediately... or else
....this process has been sped up exponentially by the advent of facebook (and I am not commenting on it as a social phenomenon, i leave that to EVERYONE else.... like they weren't expecting it, after myspace, youtube, google... shocker people like the internet to find things... bigger shock, we like to find ourselves on it)
.... anyway I found this guy on this guys's page....
His name is Izik Levy and he is an amazing glass artist.... I love glass art...
seriously this will be a topic for a future post... but lets just say. Glass speaks to me... and Izik Levy's is saying "I AM SOOOOO COOL"...

....then i went to his website... it kicks ASS!...
...go there... immediately... or else
design makes me horny,
world wide intraweb
Sunday, April 15, 2007
.... a matter of brine....
.... the politics of food can lead to many a debate.... sharing, ordering, preparing, savouring..... all these can lead to many hours-long discussions (i have had more than one turn into shouting matches).... People are serious about food, and when it comes to matters of taste nothing can be taken lightly.....
.... that said..... one should know the deep-seated (or is it deep-seeded) love I have for pickles.... it's nearly fanatical.... The following is a quote from a fellow pickle enthusiast, which I found on a page dedicated to such discussions. It is highly informative, intelligent and logical....
(and for those of you who don't speak hebrew, or it's english transliteration, tzedakah means charity):
"At a deli, the venerable pickle is cut length-wise either into quarters or eighths. That notwithstanding, the entire pickle should be served as a matter of good graces. The reason for it is known to any proper yiddishkite proprietor- when sitting at a table with other, the pickle is necessarily public property and parts of said pickle shall be eaten by all and sundry. By providing the full pickle, you allow the person who ordered the pickle to perform tzedakah by giving some away while keeping some for his own consumption." -Matt Consky
.... that said..... one should know the deep-seated (or is it deep-seeded) love I have for pickles.... it's nearly fanatical.... The following is a quote from a fellow pickle enthusiast, which I found on a page dedicated to such discussions. It is highly informative, intelligent and logical....
(and for those of you who don't speak hebrew, or it's english transliteration, tzedakah means charity):
"At a deli, the venerable pickle is cut length-wise either into quarters or eighths. That notwithstanding, the entire pickle should be served as a matter of good graces. The reason for it is known to any proper yiddishkite proprietor- when sitting at a table with other, the pickle is necessarily public property and parts of said pickle shall be eaten by all and sundry. By providing the full pickle, you allow the person who ordered the pickle to perform tzedakah by giving some away while keeping some for his own consumption." -Matt Consky
Friday, April 13, 2007
..... a great link.....
.... for all my designer friends and enthusiasts out there.....
(meaning... I love this website... and am actually a little obsessed with it)
(meaning... I love this website... and am actually a little obsessed with it)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
....goy... if you don't know, you are one....
Lenny Bruce (1925-1966) is something of a patron saint--make that rebbe-- a hero and martyr to the cause. Born Leonard Alfred Schneider, he was imprisoned on obscenity charges, but refused to censor his act. He died at 40 of a drug overdose. In the following piece, he takes humorous aim at the Jewish propensity to see the world as starkly divided, often absurdly, between things that are "Jewish" and those that are not--for the latter, self-consciously using the term goyish, considered today a slur, though it's still used by some to describe such culturally foreign things as bologna on white bread with mayonnaise.
I'm Jewish. Count Basie's Jewish. Ray Charles is Jewish. Eddie Cantor's goyish.
B'nai Brith is goyish; Hadassah, Jewish.
Marine corps--heavy goyim, dangerous.
Kool-Aid is goyish. All Drake's cakes are goyish.
Pumpernickel is Jewish,
as you know, white bread is very goyish.
Instant potatoes...
Black cherry soda's...
...very Jewish.
Macaroons are very Jewish...very Jewish cake.
Fruit salad is Jewish.
Lime jello is goyish...
...Lime soda is very goyish.
Trailer parks are so goyish that Jews won't go near them.
Jack Paar Show is very goyish.
Underwear is definitely goyish. Balls are goyish.
Titties are Jewish. Mouths are Jewish.
All Italians are Jewish..
...Greeks are goyish... bad sauce.
I'm Jewish. Count Basie's Jewish. Ray Charles is Jewish. Eddie Cantor's goyish.
B'nai Brith is goyish; Hadassah, Jewish.
Marine corps--heavy goyim, dangerous.
Kool-Aid is goyish. All Drake's cakes are goyish.
Pumpernickel is Jewish,
as you know, white bread is very goyish.
Instant potatoes...
Black cherry soda's...
...very Jewish.
Macaroons are very Jewish...very Jewish cake.
Fruit salad is Jewish.
Lime jello is goyish...
...Lime soda is very goyish.
Trailer parks are so goyish that Jews won't go near them.
Jack Paar Show is very goyish.
Underwear is definitely goyish. Balls are goyish.
Titties are Jewish. Mouths are Jewish.
All Italians are Jewish..
...Greeks are goyish... bad sauce.
...so it goes....
... these were the words uttered by author/narrator Kurt Vonnegut in slaughterhouse five, every time a character would die....
... and now, it is time to use the words for the prolific man himself....
Kurt Vonnegut passed yesterday, after falling almost two weeks ago in his home in
NYC, which caused irreversible brain injuries. A legend, a genius, a writer and 'just a guy'.
...he will be missed by all who knew him, if only through his words (which may be deeper than you most people you actually know)
... I unearthed this quote from an interview done with Vonnegut a while back, it perfectly sums up the man, his sombre nature, his twisted humour, and his light approach to the worlds heaviest issues. I will close my post with it:
"I'm embarrassed to have lived this long. It's in terrible taste (laughs). You know I had a fire several years ago, and it would have been so shapely if I'd died in the fire. But here I am, and of course I'm suing the cigarette company because on the package they promised to kill me, and here I am."
-Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007)
... and now, it is time to use the words for the prolific man himself....
Kurt Vonnegut passed yesterday, after falling almost two weeks ago in his home in
NYC, which caused irreversible brain injuries. A legend, a genius, a writer and 'just a guy'.
...he will be missed by all who knew him, if only through his words (which may be deeper than you most people you actually know)
... I unearthed this quote from an interview done with Vonnegut a while back, it perfectly sums up the man, his sombre nature, his twisted humour, and his light approach to the worlds heaviest issues. I will close my post with it:
"I'm embarrassed to have lived this long. It's in terrible taste (laughs). You know I had a fire several years ago, and it would have been so shapely if I'd died in the fire. But here I am, and of course I'm suing the cigarette company because on the package they promised to kill me, and here I am."
-Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007)
Thursday, April 5, 2007
... i fall down a lot....
... and perhaps that was why i was so drawn to the work of Kerry Skarbakka.....

He bases the works on Heidigger who described human existence as a process of perpetual falling. On his site Skarbakka claims that, "it is the responsibility of each individual to "catch ourselves" from our own uncertainty. [His] work is in response to this delicate state. It questions what it means to resist the struggle, to simply let go, and the consequences of holding on. The images stand as reminders that we are all vulnerable to losing our footing and grasp, symbolizing the precarious balancing act between the struggle against our desire to survive and our fantasy to transcend our humanness."
Fuck.... and I just thought I was clumsy... turns out i am being philosophical and shit..... cool
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
...there's something about chewie....
..... My cousin Bailey is almost 2years old..... and she is just about the cutest thing ever.... Well, at least as cute as every other really girly cute kid out there in a green tweed jumper and matching bloomers... and last night we was chillin'.... at my passover seder.... at my aunt and uncles house....
.... and this place is surreal... it has the EXACT same furnishings, workout machines, televisions, and toys that have been there since I was Bailey's age... and thus I can assure you guys that Bay was having the exact same experience that I did over twenty years ago.... and it is because of this that I can extol the universal appeal of Chewbacca for girls.....
.... My cousin is not familiar with Star Wars... the original or the new craptastic films of George Lucas' creation.... however, when she stumbles upon the Chewbacca action figure (original, 1979, movin arms and legs, vintage.... suh-weet, let me just mention) she was INSTANTLY in love with his hairy self......
.....GIRLS LOVE CHEWIE..... I think it is because he resembles a teddy bear wearing a fur coat.... and the love only grows after they hear the snorting, groaning lowing noises of Shyriiwook that accompany his soft demeanor..... and experience the non-stop, faithfulness that is his love for Hans Solo ..... and the lengths which he will go to defend his honour, the Millenium Falcon and the Force.... and the physical prowess that is his 7 foot self.....
I want to marry Chewbacca, Bailey girl, you picked a winner
.... and this place is surreal... it has the EXACT same furnishings, workout machines, televisions, and toys that have been there since I was Bailey's age... and thus I can assure you guys that Bay was having the exact same experience that I did over twenty years ago.... and it is because of this that I can extol the universal appeal of Chewbacca for girls.....
.... My cousin is not familiar with Star Wars... the original or the new craptastic films of George Lucas' creation.... however, when she stumbles upon the Chewbacca action figure (original, 1979, movin arms and legs, vintage.... suh-weet, let me just mention) she was INSTANTLY in love with his hairy self......
.....GIRLS LOVE CHEWIE..... I think it is because he resembles a teddy bear wearing a fur coat.... and the love only grows after they hear the snorting, groaning lowing noises of Shyriiwook that accompany his soft demeanor..... and experience the non-stop, faithfulness that is his love for Hans Solo ..... and the lengths which he will go to defend his honour, the Millenium Falcon and the Force.... and the physical prowess that is his 7 foot self.....
I want to marry Chewbacca, Bailey girl, you picked a winner
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
...have you heard? eggs are good for your newmindspace.....
Have you guys heard about newmindspace yet? These are the folks behind the streetcar parties, the pillow figts, urban capture the flag, the night lights on UofT campus and so many rad other events that have only once had marketing involvement (it was for charity) and are always, always, ALWAYS free!!!!!! They take great ideas out of the air (or off the internet, from their staunchly loyal followers) and create events that they call "interactive public art". And it is.... It brings way cool, diverse, dispersed people together into a common space and sets them free for the dual purposes of fun and imagination (my two favourite causes.)

Well, it's time for yet-another-sure-to-be-fabulous event!!!!! for all of you out there who aren't celebrating easter by attending this or this(eek!).... you most definitely should be coming out to the Freaking Easter Egg Hunt!!!!

EVENT INFO - Sunday April 8
This year's urban Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Bloor St. W between Yonge and Bathurst! :)

Well, it's time for yet-another-sure-to-be-fabulous event!!!!! for all of you out there who aren't celebrating easter by attending this or this(eek!).... you most definitely should be coming out to the Freaking Easter Egg Hunt!!!!

Last year's took place in Kensington Market... and was a shit-ass buttload of super-fantastical fun..... This year they are hitting up Bloor St..... the full event details will be at the bottom of this post...... But may I just say that this is one of the things I love about the newmindspace cats... they are not shitdisturbers just for the sake of it... I think they most definitely take pleasure in the ruckus that can be cause by a large group of creative, original funlovers taking part in communal activities in venues not used to hosting them... but they aren't vengeful, they try and spread the chaos around, so that they are not abusing any one group of people. Disturbance can be amazing, continued disturbance can be down right annoying (seriously, someone, needs to tell this to my downstairs neighbour.... one high-hat speed-fuelled kickass drum solo is fine, once nightly....... Ijust may kill the guy..... and he has the NERVE to complain about my moving the coffee table.... but I digress..... this is fodder for another post)

So come out! The event is family friendly.... so bring the kiddlies (Yeah Court, I am talking to you.... take Daryn out of the pot and put that chicken little to work)...... and run, walk, bike, skip, amble, hop, crawl, shuffle, strut........ where was i going?.... right.... come hunt for easter eggs..... and anyone up for a little competition...
...............................I bet I can find more eggs than you can!!!!!!
EVENT INFO - Sunday April 8
This year's urban Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Bloor St. W between Yonge and Bathurst! :)
The hunt starts at 11:00 AM and ends when the eggs are all gone :)

Monday, April 2, 2007
.... jews are funny......
It happens every year like clockwork.... for some reason something about passover makes every jew in my family (and that's everyone) want to send awful forwards.... I think because the passover seder, the first of which is tonight, commemorates something awful, we feel the need to make jokes... I think humour has become a defense mechanism for a lot of people, me incluided..... but the Jews, as a people, moved past defense, into just plain funny, that's why we are so famed as comedians..... Self-deprecation was the way to get ourselves first...
...These forwards however, have moved past plain funny and straight on into "hahanotsomuch.com" .....
last year's zinger was this one.... This year... I got seder pick up lines..... from my grandma..... I think she is really hoping that I will not be single for next year's seder...... forget 'next year in Jerusalem'.... next year under the chuppah is her hope.....
Seder pickup lines:
Let's make this night really different from all others nights
What will you do to me for two zuzim?
What's a girl like you doing at a seder like this?
If 600,000 people can get taken out, one more couldn't hurt
We've only got 18 minutes....
I like my matzah thin, like my women.
Maybe when Elijah comes, we can make it a threesome
I hear that horseradish is an aphrodisiac
Nice Hagadah
After four cups of wine, you look like Cindy Crawford
Honey, on this night we are supposed to recline, so let's get to it.
Seder? I hardly know her.
I bet I could make you sing Dayenu!
I've got four of my own terms for redemption
Did that just say we were in bondage?
I could never Pass you Over...
Don't call it a bitter herb until you taste it.
We were strangers....emphisis on "were"
You're a 10 in my haggadah
Frogs.....ever kiss a frog?
I'm going to have to search you for chometz
How's about we go re-live the "Darkness" plague up in my room.
I'm like one of the four sons; let me show you how wicked I can be.
Let's make this night really different from all others nights.
Want to wander through my desert?
I've got a Ramses in my pockets, and I'm glad to see you
Wanna look for MY afikomen?
...These forwards however, have moved past plain funny and straight on into "hahanotsomuch.com" .....
last year's zinger was this one.... This year... I got seder pick up lines..... from my grandma..... I think she is really hoping that I will not be single for next year's seder...... forget 'next year in Jerusalem'.... next year under the chuppah is her hope.....
Seder pickup lines:
Let's make this night really different from all others nights
What will you do to me for two zuzim?
What's a girl like you doing at a seder like this?
If 600,000 people can get taken out, one more couldn't hurt
We've only got 18 minutes....
I like my matzah thin, like my women.
Maybe when Elijah comes, we can make it a threesome
I hear that horseradish is an aphrodisiac
Nice Hagadah
After four cups of wine, you look like Cindy Crawford
Honey, on this night we are supposed to recline, so let's get to it.
Seder? I hardly know her.
I bet I could make you sing Dayenu!
I've got four of my own terms for redemption
Did that just say we were in bondage?
I could never Pass you Over...
Don't call it a bitter herb until you taste it.
We were strangers....emphisis on "were"
You're a 10 in my haggadah
Frogs.....ever kiss a frog?
I'm going to have to search you for chometz
How's about we go re-live the "Darkness" plague up in my room.
I'm like one of the four sons; let me show you how wicked I can be.
Let's make this night really different from all others nights.
Want to wander through my desert?
I've got a Ramses in my pockets, and I'm glad to see you
Wanna look for MY afikomen?
.... the volume of time......
....literally.... I was thinking about that this morning as my alarm clock shocked me into reality at 6:30am..... like every weekday.... well.... I sorta thought about it... as much as you can really ponder something semi-consciously as you fumble to silence Kim Mitchell in the dark.... "Patio Lanterns" may be a feel good beer-on-a-dock tune, but on a cloudy monday in the city I could strangle the guy.,....
Weekday mornings my days must start with a thunderous roar.... otherwise, I will ignoer them completely.... It must annoy my roommates to no end, but I need at least 6 or 7 sound blasts before i am able to draw myself out of bed..... I am seriously considering hiring a dude with an air horn.... to accomplish the same goal (but he would be a naked adonis, oiled up and ready with a bunch of grapes after the seventh honk)
On the weekends any little sound will wake me, and I can rise feeling refreshed and ready to meet the day, or roll over and go back to bed, but the clicking of the radiator will drive me downstairs to brew some coffee or grab the paper from the corner.....
None of this means anything..... its just noise
Weekday mornings my days must start with a thunderous roar.... otherwise, I will ignoer them completely.... It must annoy my roommates to no end, but I need at least 6 or 7 sound blasts before i am able to draw myself out of bed..... I am seriously considering hiring a dude with an air horn.... to accomplish the same goal (but he would be a naked adonis, oiled up and ready with a bunch of grapes after the seventh honk)
On the weekends any little sound will wake me, and I can rise feeling refreshed and ready to meet the day, or roll over and go back to bed, but the clicking of the radiator will drive me downstairs to brew some coffee or grab the paper from the corner.....
None of this means anything..... its just noise
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