Thursday, December 20, 2007
click the link or go to to check it out
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
here it is ...
Its not much, and I hardly ever udate it... but I found it today while trying to find something to help me waste time on the internet.... and it was surprisingly good at killing minutes.... I find the most random webpages. They are kind of fun.... maybe just for me....
But this blog's just for me too.... anywayzzzzz.....
Friday, November 9, 2007
you laugh for about a minute... then you start to feel really bad about laughing so hard.... but then you go back to just thinking its fucking hilarious... especially when they bleep the motherf*#@&er.....
if you can't see the video above... go here
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
....interrupting cow w... MOOOOOO!!!!!!
... GO HERE.... it's a million laughs....
... project fox....
That is why it fits that they are behind Project Fox....It's really cool. It started out with the designing of the new Fox 21. Which took to the road a couple years ago. But as part of the launch VW sponsored the creation of Hotel Fox in Copenhagen. It has 61 rooms, and 21 artists were commissioned to create each of the spaces as an individual environment/installation. It's pretty awesome. Similar to the hotel at the Galdstone in Toronto, or the Hotel du Petit Moulin in Paris.

Friday, November 2, 2007
...a couple things cyberfound
it scans and posts other peoples to do lists.... it's like postsecret: the next generation, what are the steps in carrying out that anonymous secret sent in to Frank in Maryland.... curious, check the blog.....
second is this:
I demand you watch it, IMMEDIATELY!!!!
It's the loudest I have ever laughed in the office.... and I didn't care, because anyone that walked in was completely mesmerized by the hilarious patheticness of it... i started it over and over again... i love it...
Its part of the MORTIFIED project of public readings of angst-ridden teenage journals.... it's fucking fantastic! they have an after-school orchestra that accompanies them (adults playing the instruments they used to play in band, playing the songs they WISHED they played in band, think Meatball and STYX) and travel the country (USA, unfortunately) looking for people to share their most embarassing teen moments.....
It's like I found the mothership
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Wikipediavision lets you watch in real time where in the world the updates to wikipedia are coming from. It shows a map of the world and up pops a google location buble, telling you the location and the title of the article on the (english version) wikipedia.
It only shows the edits done to articles by people whose IPs are not hidden, but still
I have spent the last 20 minutes mesmerized by these popping-up bubbles. people editing entries on things i have never heard of,..... it's just an illustration of how random, wide and quick changing the world imagination which is the internet can be....
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
....take me to the midway....
that said, I must say that i had a profound thought yesterday that I have the overwhelming desire to share with the world....
I went to the Ex (the Canadian National exhibition... and I was riding the Zipper, this nauseating, flip you around, spin you, upside-down ride that has been around forever and never lost its appeal... and while i was flying, spinning, totally losing my sense of direction, screaming, laughing, crying, totally exhilirated I realized.....
....Sex should be more like the zipper....
Now, I don't think that I have had an above-average share of bad sex... I just think that when we are kids we are taught not to talk about sex, and even now, when kids are encouraged to talk about it, now about it, its something that carries a significance so great, consequemces and responsibilities so major that we come to think of it as the transcendent experience that will far surpass any reaction, sensory overload we have eever experienced.... and while it can be F'n great, it is just never as good as the Zipper....
I think I am gonna print up buttons and t-shirts that say.... "You must be as good as the zipper to ride this ride" and stand at the exit of the ride selling them....
....I think I will make a killing....
Friday, August 17, 2007
...i usually hate commercials...
however, this commercial for Sony Bravia is amazing... the whole campaign is great, but this one is especially genius... my favourite part's the clown......
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
...stormtroopers in love....
....don't judge k? everyone needs a little lovin', especially in the face of so much death, destruction and defeat.....
....Long live the force......
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007 is dead....
...Grammy, on the other hand, has beautiful penmanship.... and still owns many quills, fountian pens, bottles of ink, sheets of parchment, nibs, nubs and all that crap used to make the aesthetics of words live up to the potential of their meaning...
that's why I think she would love Betsy Dunlap. A caliigraphic artist, she puts a modern age in a classic art, that both me and grammy can enjoy....
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
...He's in town for the opening of Ministry of the Interior (whose official site isn't up yet, so I am posting a link to a review in MotI is a new concept store opening this week at 80 Ossington (just north of Queen, right near where the Sparrow was til recently). The space is set up as part-store, part-gallery, and all awesome. Jason MacIsaac has been working on it since earlier this year, gutting what was once an auto-body shop to prepare the now-raw space for peculiar and intrigueing home design accesories for the urban hipster set.....
...What results is a space that sells really cool home accessories... lamps, furniture, plates, wallpaper, bedding, etc.... but also serves as a show space for new, fresh, creative and forward-thinking designers that are making there mark on the world of interiors... He set up a "designer in residence" program that will allow him to host a rotating roster of wunderkind.... selling these higher pricetag pieces to those that can afford, and letting the rest of us simply admire and drool (although try not to stand to close to the pieces if you choose to actually salivate)

They are simple enough... but I wouldn't advise putting together more than one without the aid of a thimble (who knew those still had a use in the modern world)... they are well worth it though, as they throw playful shadows around the room and have the appeal of appearing to be caught in their birthday suits....
When I got to the store, amidst the chaotic painting, assembling, cleaning and stress was one installed piece of work... the centre piece of the back room and the first exhibit in the residency program that MacIsaac was running was Jason Miller's Antler Chandelier...
The photo at the right is actually a smaller version of what is hanging in the store, but it looked so familiar to me that (several hours, countless blisters and two lamps) later I went back through the archives of the long since deleted former blog of mine "Masterstroke" (which, by the way, means "feat of genius" and besides being completely narcissistic as a blog title, also seemed appropriate as a name of this post, both in reference to Miller's work, and the newly opened Ministry of the Interior) and found an entry that I had written in early 2005 about the Canadian design collective Motherbrand. Apparently I had been quite taken with their Cabin show, which re-analyzed the traditional

The chandelier, as he told us yesterday over beers at Sweaty Betty's, has become the staple of Miller's collection... as he put it so eloquently, "it pays the bills."
But Miller is no oneder... (for all of you who don't immediately jump to your late 20th century film reference library and mentally scroll to That Thing You Do, that is one-der.... or, one hit wonder... had to get a pun in here)...
A couple of my favourites:

conventions are for suckers "
The Duct tape Chair was, apparently, according the Ministry of the Interior manager J's a tough life for the talented.... really... my heart goes out to the talented and jet-set young Miller, who must spend his life being creative and playing with conventions.....
....He is a great guy though, and cute too (that's him staring dreamily into the mirror in the photo below). With his laid-back smile and an aura of mischief about him...
I for one, could not be more excited to finally get a chance to gaze my way into his daydream mirrors, which I haven't gotten a chance to see yet in person....

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
...infinite jest....
...I have a theory no one ever has... i think it's in one of my notes, somewhere a while back....
...Myself, I have tried it at least a dozen times, make that a baker's dozen... i think it's great, but i always take too long a break before coming back to the middle of it and feel the need to start again... i simply cannot accept that i am SUPPOSED to be that confused....
I did, however, collect, in my experience with this book, that THIS aspect of it was a negative thing.... you really want to live in a world that David Foster Wallace's sick imagination created.... especially if no one has read to the end to findd out how it all ends?
Sunday, July 22, 2007
...if anyone wants to buy me a present....
...i mean, maybe just first base.... it is only a book after all... but i am a pretty good kisser.....
...if you really loved me you'd just get it for me....
Manhattan Oases: New York's 1932 Speak-Easies, with a Gentleman's Guide to Bars and Beverages by Gordon Kahn
by Al Hirschfeld; With An Introduction By Heywood Broun
By 1932, with a feeling that Prohibition was ending, Al Hirschfeld decided to use his artistic skill to document the various speakeasies around Manhattan. This is a first edition of Manhattan Oases, featuring thirty-six drawings of bartenders by Hirschfeld and a witty guide to "bars and beverages" by Gordan Kahn.
...coolest job of the day!....
How awesome would it be to simply create libraries for people with insane amounts of money and enough interest in books (or at least an interest in looking like they are interested in books) to hire someone to find you good ones......
God, I think i am going to bed tonight dreaming about having a life in which I would pick up my morning starbucks, head into my cool office at the Strand and try and continue my search for the original Boccioni "Manifesto of Futurist Painters" for Beck.... and then start to introduce him to some new street artists that I think he would like....
Fuck, and I thought I already liked my job.... now I have career envy..... Damn you New York Magazine....
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday, July 12, 2007
...if you have kids....
GO TO THIS!!!!!!
Demolition Art House.... insanity... there is a boarded up house that is slotted for demo in the fall... well, the neighbours are letting kids (under the guidance of resident artists) create.... whatever.... and apply it to the exterior of the house, creating a huge, cooperative living piece of art..... kickass...
how fucking cool..... Any kid that does this is guaranteed to grow up cooler than if it had been missing from their lives
.... god i love the british....
As someone who places the utmost importance on the importance of film, its capability of social change and, perhaps most importantly, the RESPONSIBILITY of the filmmaker to follow his representations with his own actions, I have to say, I wanted to actually walk up and knock the stupid baseball cap off the smug bastards head when i saw him, literally, hob-knobbing, at the 2006 TIFF.... He doesn't ever lie, or misrepresent the truth, but the fact is, the truth is NEVER as interesting or entertaining as Moore makes it out to be....
That's why no one goes to see documentaries.... the truth is boring.... Moore's flash-fest changes, alters, massages and selectively sees the truth in order to get the attention of rapt audiences.... it's the propaganda of the left....
Apparently a few people agree with me.
All the following are excerpts from an article about Michael Moore that was written by hiw biographer, Roger Rapaport, for the UK Daily, the Independent:
"[Michael Moore's] new dream appears to be turning out Frank-Capra-style features that deliver a high moral message along the lines of Mr Smith Goes to Washington.
"Are his films documentaries, or are they fictional comedies?" Since Moore gets the credit for making documentaries as popular as dramatic films, let's turn to the first cameraman Michael that ever hired, Kevin Rafferty, for the answer. This famed cinéma-vérité film-maker, who is also George W Bush's first cousin, gave Moore his film debut in Blood in the Face, an exposé of the "racialist right". The then Flint journalist Moore scored a major coup when he helped Rafferty's team film a Michigan Ku Klux Klan rally where two lovebirds said their marital vows in a ceremony illuminated by the glow of a burning cross.
Rafferty says that he was stunned when he arrived in Flint and Moore handed him a terrific shot-list for Roger & Me. This was simply not the way cinema verité documentaries were made: a director would create the storyline after shooting was finished. Two-and-a-half years later, Rafferty was even more astonished when he saw that the shot-list had become the movie. Instead of shooting first and editing afterwards, in the traditional manner of documentaries, Michael had scripted Roger & Me like a dramatic feature.
Even some of Moore's fans worry that he partially stages scenes, undercutting the value of his own work. I spoke about this recently with the cameraman Bruce Schermer, who was paid $5,000 for shooting about 60 per cent of Roger & Me (which was sold to Warner Brothers for $3m). He points out that, during the shooting of the film's famous Christmas Eve eviction of impoverished Flint tenants, Moore was apparently not getting what he wanted. Off camera, he discussed the problem with an unemotional mother. When Schermer turned his camera back on, this evictee amped-up the scene by screaming. Ironically, adds the cameraman, some of the auxiliary lighting power required to shoot this scene came from the evictee's electricity outlet.
Throughout his career, Moore has been the master of constructive failure"
................Michael Moore... I hate you
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
... RIP Honest Ed....
Ed Mirvish was an entrepreneur, a cultural enthusiast, a family man and a philanthroper....
A big Man with a big smile... a piece of toronto's history... he will be missed
... i spill a lot....

Tuesday, July 10, 2007's impossible....
.... yeah, i didn't think so..... harm in trying though..... always try....
Monday, July 9, 2007
...officially the best link I have ever been sent on a monday morning....
....THIS is pure internet gold....
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
.....and yes... that is a man with legs growing from his hips, photographed with his family and a goat......
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
...i've never even taken psychedelics....
see an excerpt below:
The Way I Saved The World
This morning, as I was eating my bowl of Biskies, my favourite breakfast cereal, I noticed something strange. It was a brown object about the size of a vitamin pill,floating in my milk. at first I had missed i, because it was hidden under some of the Bisk flakes.
"what the heck!" I thought, as i picked it up with my spoon and popped it into my mouth [ed. note....what the fuck? i was popping strange pills at 9? who did i think i was... drew barrymore?] nothing happened at first, but then I started to feel funny
I started to shake. I got hot, then cold, my eyes started to become unfocused.... I saw a book. Not one of my school books, but an ancient book and it looked like it had been sitting their forever. I picked it up and turned it around and around in my hands. It looked like the cover once was very pretty, it was made of pink silk and jewels were stuck on. But now it looked like a wreck. The jewels were falling off and the cover was ripped and the whole thing looked like it was going to fall apart. But before I threw it out I opened it up and started to flip through. When I got to the center pafe a strange beam of light hit the ceiling and started to burn right through it. I slammed it shut and shoved it into my bookbag.
Just in time, because my nosy big sister Lori walked into the kitchen.
"Isn't it time for school you dweeb?" she asked [ed note... yes, we actually did use the term dweeb]
"Yeah," I said, "But i got ta' show ya' something before I go." Then I pulled out the book, opened it to the center page and beamed it at her.
"Anna! You little brat, what is that thing?!" My sister shrieked.
"It's for me to know and you not to." I said (even though I didn't fully know what it was myself.) I made little circle motions with my book and thought to myself, "I am making my sister disappear! this is great!"
After my sister was gone I went into my parents' room where they were getting dressed for work.
"Isn't it time for school schnookums?" My mother said at the exact same time my father said "shouldn't the bus be here soon baby?"
Suddenly I didn't know why I was there. I didn't want my parents to know about the book!
"Um, yeah - um, my - er - bus is, bus is, bus is downstairs... that's it. I just came up ah, came up er, to...say goodbye! yeah! to say good byw... so, uh, bye!" I saud. I got up from wwhere I was seated on the floor and briskly walked out of the room (so not to be obvious).
Right then is when I heard the noise
CHAPTER TWO [ed note. there was no notification of there being a chapter one.....]
Down here, down here you giant oaf!" I heard a tiny voice say. I whirled around on my heel and nearly knockedthe little man over.
"who...who are you?" I questioned him
"I'm the story keeper. I travel with the book" he said, nodding in the direction of the book I had dropped on the floor.
"Well, what do you want of me?" I said.
"I want you to come back with me and save my kingdom." Said the little man. Well, I was a little shooken up, but I said, "Why me?" To which he replied, "Because you believe. You believe in the fantasy, you know, Cinderella, Snow White and Pinochio."
Then I asked, "What exactly is WRONG with fairy tale land?"
"You'll see when you get there." he said.
What was going on, I didn't know. I picked up the book and the man and walked outside. I needed fresh air more than anything right then
As i walked through the doorway my stomach was churning, and my head started spinning. I closed my eyes and I felt a slight wind and when I opened my eyes again I wasn't where I was before.
I saw the most wonderful things. I saw the greenest trees with golden blossoms, and a man sitting under the tree playing a silver guitar, the petals from the tree showering over im. While I listened to the beautiful music I looked up and towering over me was a castle. There were turrets and a huge iron gate guarding the wooden doors.
"It's beautiful," I said slowly as I turned to face the story keeper (who was now about two and a half times my size)
"So," I said, "What gives? What's wrong?"
"Come with me," He said with a solemn face... and he headed off towards the castle.
The inside of the castle was more beautiful than the outside. The story keeper led me into the most beautiful rooms and hallways, laiden with jewels. As I was led into one huge chamber I almost fainted.
My sister was lying in a huge bed.
"What are you doing here?' I said
"You, my darling little sister, put me here" she shrilled.
"Miss" said a well-dressed man as he stood up from his seat in the corner, "miss, we are having some problems here." He coughed then started up again. "she", nodding in the direction of the bed where my sister lay, listening and watching wide-eyed, "will not move and she has the royal highnesses crown and magic staffand she is making HORRIBLE things happen here... and her majesty is mixed up with your world."
Back at home, it seemed, my mom and dad had left for work and her majesty was all alone, slowly walking around my house.
I mean come ONNN! was I genius? I think so... that story is puking imagination... and it even has some style... I used the word "blossoms"... I was NINE, for fucks sake... I don't know... I think that I coulda' been a contender... eat that JK Rowling.... and who's the kid who made a kajillion dollars with his novel by 15... what were my parents thinking... they shoulda locked me in my room til i came out with 16 more (un) chapters....
Friday, June 8, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007 you ever just wanna bust shit up?....

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
reminder: you gotta click the hyperlink to discover the words true essence.
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
...oddity for the day.....
...saw a guy eating a bright orange bell pepper, like it was an apple......
...just munching and crunching his way around that pepper as he stepped down from the steps of the streetcar and headed down into the depths of the TTC.....
...odd, no?
Monday, June 4, 2007
....k, so i'm impressed....

...I am in love with the "merging" of the old aesthetic of woven cane and the modern lines of this chair.... I am kind of a sucker for the material though... my childhood kitchen chairs were these huge rounded cane chairs. the feel and look of them recalls mountains of kraft dinner with ketchup, cereal that came with marshmallows in the box, chocolate millk, and the expectation of dessert following every meal.... how could that not work for anyone?
(ps... this entry drove me to look up my old kitchen chairs... as my mum is a designer, it is pretty safe that all my childhood furniture was designer, or designer replica... so surprise, surprise, the chair that i grew up spilling milk and juice all over is actually based on bentwood chairs originally designed by Michael Thonet, a german designer who pioneered the process of bentwood furniture.... which, coincidentally, I think is one of Leslie's biggest strengths....)
And, upon further investigation I found that this chick (we are returning to Leslie now) is not simply a one-trick pony... she didn't simply pull out her pieces worth anything and put them in the show... I think every girl I know can look forward to getting one of her kick ass tool cabinets.... totally aesthetically pleasing, and useful again.... (again, though, you ladies are gonna have to wait til I become extremely wealthy... as a side note, I am currently looking for a sugar daddy to tide me over til I make my own fortune, any one with any interesting leads is asked to leave a comment here, or simply dial the toll free number of 1.800.PAY.FO.ME)
Here's the tool cabinet:
So, keep your eye on this chick, when she gets uber-famous (as furniture designers are wont to do..... if you are avid readers of architectural digest, wallpaper, and other high-falutian periodicals) you can say 'I told you so"......
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
...boys and their joy....

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 you think i got 'em?.....
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
.... design makes me horny.....
her blog, design*sponge, is one of the best i have seen in the last little while (my own excluded, of course).... she has an amazing enthusiasm for all things aesthetically pleasing, and a really friendly and accessible way of writing it all down.... click on through to the link and check it out....
her recent adventures took her through the stationary fair in New York.... that's right, there are enough people out there still writing things... ON PAPER... to merit an entire expo for the sale and exhibition of interesting products TO WRITE ON!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
.....but who will remind us to control the animal population?....
and an entire television era comes to an end
Monday, May 7, 2007
...light enough to travel....
... I have seen people walk around normally in these shoes before... This particularily waifish girl, however, didn't seem to have the body weight to keep the shoes from having a wicked recoil....
... call me foolish... but I think your shoes really should not make it HARDER to walk around.... but then again... I wear 5-inch stillettos.... so maybe Ishould just shut the fuck up about it....
Friday, May 4, 2007's still got it.....
But back to H61..... the movie is from 1990... and I saw it somewhere in and around 2000 (when I started really going crazy for all celluloid Canadian) and its just a whacked out road film that follows a barber, a roadie and a corpse from the northern tip of the route of Rock'nRoll, in Thunder Bay, down to the roots of Jazz in New Orleans.... and, I have to mention, they are being chased by a nutty entrepreneur who believes he is Satan himself, who is trying to redeem the soul of the dead guy, who traded it to him for a bus ticket....
Going in I was a little nervous that I wouldn't love it as much as I did the first time... I have to admit, I have recently begun to be so high on Canadian film that I am wont to push for it, sight unseen, and even if I know it to be... well, "not the best". But I honestly love this film... it is one of my very favourites, Canadian or no.... and it was just like the first time all over again....
Bruce McDonald, and Don McKellar (bleh... I will explain another time my problems with this guy, in this movie, I love him) were in attendance and, as every time I see them, revealed really great stories that typify the behind-the-scenes of Canadian film, or any grassroots, no money, gootta love it production scene. They really are the reason I stay involved in film....
I was asked once by a Canadian director, who shall remain nameless, what makes a Canadian film Canadian. The man was cynical and disappointed by a distribution system for films in this country that just does not work. He had made a GREAT film, another one of my favourites, and it had flopped at the box office, when it didn't deserve to. He was tired and drained and angry and just didn't want to be a representative of a Country that the industry he was trying to gain respect from just had no time for. I couldn't answer him at the time.....
....but now (in the classic fashion of coming up with a witty retort waaaaaaaaay too late) I have to say..... Canadian film is a noble tradition of guerilla warfare.... monkey warfare.... It is a collective that has in common, at its heart, not a theme, or subject or nationality, but a love to succeed in a place where no one is pulling for you... to make your way out into the world to say "look at me, I am weird, and funny, self-deprecating, important, and I have got something to fucking say......" and doing that despite given the obstacles and bureaucrativ hoops that are thrown at you every which way..... it is going to New Orleans, needing a biker gang for a scene and putting the call out on the radio, so that you have actual hell's angels show up on their hogs... its getting beat up by those same Angels, after giving them $100 each and all the beer they can drink, letting them ride drunk around your government-paid for equipnment and having a raucous good time doing it.... it's geting the shot and cutting it together... its, almost two-decades later, talking about it like it was the best time of your life.... It's a love of the doing and not the respect of having done that makes you a Canadian filmmaker.....
....It's still around.... and I FUCKING love it!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
.... thats insane!!!!!!......
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
...musical interlude...
The first one I was on a huge gorgeous deck, late at night, with all my friends... and my friends all happen to be musically inclined. The range of guitarists, bassists, drummers and singers is astonishing.... as is their collected talent.... and we were rocking out after a few too many.... and I had, we'll say, some 'inspiration'.... but i have to say, in that moment, my voice really melded with everyone elses... the harmonies were amazing and we created a symphonic cacophony that I can recall with crystal clarity to this day....
...The second, I am not gonna lie, I was loaded.... I was 20 and waiting in line at LeSwimming, a bar that I have been mourning the closing of for a year now. The thing about the line at Swimming was that, since the bar was on the third floor there was this long narrow stairwell and a hallway out into the street for people to stand in, outside of the frigid Montreal winter.... well, at the bottom of the stairwell, I was swaying in place, keeping my head out of the spins by listening to the resident homeless guitarist do his thang.... playing all the classics by bon jovi, acdc, aerosmith et al.... and when he turned to me (chuckling at two decades of drunken giggles poured into heels) and asked me what I wanted to hear I was overcome by my request.... and I not only asked for, but sang along to "Black Water' by the Doobie Brothers.... I have no illusions about this one... I must have been AWFUL.... karaoke without the benefit of crackling speakers and echoing backup music.... just me, hobo and his guitar... But it was AWESOME!!!! I was so into it, and the line got into it too, and by the end I had all the Montreal hipsters rockin' out southern style..... that kicked ass.....
I thought about that as I had to fight with myself not to sing along to Black Water this morning on the streetcar, when it cam on my ipod..... Somehow I thought..... the 8am work crowd just wouldn't get riled up the same way....
..... My musical failures.... that's fodder for ten other posts. I recal several bad renditions of Bacch's minuet in G on the piano.... and an echoing 'CHAW" yelled for emphasis at the wrong moment, into total silence, during a high school choir performance... and that's just off the top of my head.
Friday, April 20, 2007
... a picture worth millions and millions of words.....
....Was your mind blown.....?
Those of you who didn't fo when I first told you to, here is your second chance to not be a huge dumb ass...... go see the coolest thing i have encountered in a LOOOOOONG while...
If you still haven't done it there is nothing I can do for you.... It's such an amazing idea.... to create images from exactly the thing you are criticizing, or even simply contemplating on, without judgement....
although, anyone that can look at these and not think of the States as a place of hyberbolic caricature boggles my mind.... almost as much as the waste.....
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
... i am using you....
....this process has been sped up exponentially by the advent of facebook (and I am not commenting on it as a social phenomenon, i leave that to EVERYONE else.... like they weren't expecting it, after myspace, youtube, google... shocker people like the internet to find things... bigger shock, we like to find ourselves on it)
.... anyway I found this guy on this guys's page....
His name is Izik Levy and he is an amazing glass artist.... I love glass art...
seriously this will be a topic for a future post... but lets just say. Glass speaks to me... and Izik Levy's is saying "I AM SOOOOO COOL"...

....then i went to his website... it kicks ASS!...
...go there... immediately... or else
Sunday, April 15, 2007
.... a matter of brine....
.... that said..... one should know the deep-seated (or is it deep-seeded) love I have for pickles.... it's nearly fanatical.... The following is a quote from a fellow pickle enthusiast, which I found on a page dedicated to such discussions. It is highly informative, intelligent and logical....
(and for those of you who don't speak hebrew, or it's english transliteration, tzedakah means charity):
"At a deli, the venerable pickle is cut length-wise either into quarters or eighths. That notwithstanding, the entire pickle should be served as a matter of good graces. The reason for it is known to any proper yiddishkite proprietor- when sitting at a table with other, the pickle is necessarily public property and parts of said pickle shall be eaten by all and sundry. By providing the full pickle, you allow the person who ordered the pickle to perform tzedakah by giving some away while keeping some for his own consumption." -Matt Consky
Friday, April 13, 2007
..... a great link.....
(meaning... I love this website... and am actually a little obsessed with it)
Thursday, April 12, 2007
....goy... if you don't know, you are one....
I'm Jewish. Count Basie's Jewish. Ray Charles is Jewish. Eddie Cantor's goyish.
B'nai Brith is goyish; Hadassah, Jewish.
Marine corps--heavy goyim, dangerous.
Kool-Aid is goyish. All Drake's cakes are goyish.
Pumpernickel is Jewish,
as you know, white bread is very goyish.
Instant potatoes...
Black cherry soda's...
...very Jewish.
Macaroons are very Jewish...very Jewish cake.
Fruit salad is Jewish.
Lime jello is goyish...
...Lime soda is very goyish.
Trailer parks are so goyish that Jews won't go near them.
Jack Paar Show is very goyish.
Underwear is definitely goyish. Balls are goyish.
Titties are Jewish. Mouths are Jewish.
All Italians are Jewish..
...Greeks are goyish... bad sauce. it goes....
... and now, it is time to use the words for the prolific man himself....
Kurt Vonnegut passed yesterday, after falling almost two weeks ago in his home in
NYC, which caused irreversible brain injuries. A legend, a genius, a writer and 'just a guy'.
...he will be missed by all who knew him, if only through his words (which may be deeper than you most people you actually know)
... I unearthed this quote from an interview done with Vonnegut a while back, it perfectly sums up the man, his sombre nature, his twisted humour, and his light approach to the worlds heaviest issues. I will close my post with it:
"I'm embarrassed to have lived this long. It's in terrible taste (laughs). You know I had a fire several years ago, and it would have been so shapely if I'd died in the fire. But here I am, and of course I'm suing the cigarette company because on the package they promised to kill me, and here I am."
-Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007)
Thursday, April 5, 2007
... i fall down a lot....

Wednesday, April 4, 2007
...there's something about chewie....
.... and this place is surreal... it has the EXACT same furnishings, workout machines, televisions, and toys that have been there since I was Bailey's age... and thus I can assure you guys that Bay was having the exact same experience that I did over twenty years ago.... and it is because of this that I can extol the universal appeal of Chewbacca for girls.....
.... My cousin is not familiar with Star Wars... the original or the new craptastic films of George Lucas' creation.... however, when she stumbles upon the Chewbacca action figure (original, 1979, movin arms and legs, vintage.... suh-weet, let me just mention) she was INSTANTLY in love with his hairy self......
.....GIRLS LOVE CHEWIE..... I think it is because he resembles a teddy bear wearing a fur coat.... and the love only grows after they hear the snorting, groaning lowing noises of Shyriiwook that accompany his soft demeanor..... and experience the non-stop, faithfulness that is his love for Hans Solo ..... and the lengths which he will go to defend his honour, the Millenium Falcon and the Force.... and the physical prowess that is his 7 foot self.....
I want to marry Chewbacca, Bailey girl, you picked a winner
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
...have you heard? eggs are good for your newmindspace.....

Well, it's time for yet-another-sure-to-be-fabulous event!!!!! for all of you out there who aren't celebrating easter by attending this or this(eek!).... you most definitely should be coming out to the Freaking Easter Egg Hunt!!!!

EVENT INFO - Sunday April 8
This year's urban Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Bloor St. W between Yonge and Bathurst! :)

Monday, April 2, 2007
.... jews are funny......
...These forwards however, have moved past plain funny and straight on into "" .....
last year's zinger was this one.... This year... I got seder pick up lines..... from my grandma..... I think she is really hoping that I will not be single for next year's seder...... forget 'next year in Jerusalem'.... next year under the chuppah is her hope.....
Seder pickup lines:
Let's make this night really different from all others nights
What will you do to me for two zuzim?
What's a girl like you doing at a seder like this?
If 600,000 people can get taken out, one more couldn't hurt
We've only got 18 minutes....
I like my matzah thin, like my women.
Maybe when Elijah comes, we can make it a threesome
I hear that horseradish is an aphrodisiac
Nice Hagadah
After four cups of wine, you look like Cindy Crawford
Honey, on this night we are supposed to recline, so let's get to it.
Seder? I hardly know her.
I bet I could make you sing Dayenu!
I've got four of my own terms for redemption
Did that just say we were in bondage?
I could never Pass you Over...
Don't call it a bitter herb until you taste it.
We were strangers....emphisis on "were"
You're a 10 in my haggadah
Frogs.....ever kiss a frog?
I'm going to have to search you for chometz
How's about we go re-live the "Darkness" plague up in my room.
I'm like one of the four sons; let me show you how wicked I can be.
Let's make this night really different from all others nights.
Want to wander through my desert?
I've got a Ramses in my pockets, and I'm glad to see you
Wanna look for MY afikomen?
.... the volume of time......
Weekday mornings my days must start with a thunderous roar.... otherwise, I will ignoer them completely.... It must annoy my roommates to no end, but I need at least 6 or 7 sound blasts before i am able to draw myself out of bed..... I am seriously considering hiring a dude with an air horn.... to accomplish the same goal (but he would be a naked adonis, oiled up and ready with a bunch of grapes after the seventh honk)
On the weekends any little sound will wake me, and I can rise feeling refreshed and ready to meet the day, or roll over and go back to bed, but the clicking of the radiator will drive me downstairs to brew some coffee or grab the paper from the corner.....
None of this means anything..... its just noise
Friday, March 30, 2007
....big fucking word of the day.....
So a new portion of this blog is gonna take the big-ass words i love and link them to an image I think fully explains its use.... cuz a picture is so much closer to an emotion, the link between letters and meanings.... if you are to believe Pierce or de Saussure
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
.....this is most righteous....

......Defense contractors say that within the next 10 years they’ll have a solid state laser mounted on a Hummer that can put a hole in sheet of metal from several miles away...... Well Dutch graffiti writers can pretty much do that now with this Hymermobil rocking a GRL L.A.S.E.R. Tagging System........
just watch the video
Monday, March 26, 2007
....i've decided.....
....the political party has my vote (unfortunately it counts for nothing in New Zealand)
....and henceforth I will constantly carry a small flask of dr.mcgillicuddy's new orleans style fireball whiskey in my purse..... it makes for some fun adventures on Saturday nights.... even if you do not learn about them until sunday afternoon, at brunch
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
.... the verdict's in....
So, the federal government handed down the new Budget Monday.... and, like everything else in this country.... it really did not cause a stir.... What can I say, politics in this country are just not that big a deal.... we are fairly middle of the road, whether under a Conservative or Liberal Government we do our very best to be pleasant.... I am definitely not complaining...
The Budget does its bestest to cut a break to the individual in this country, like most Canadian policy does.... I am more than happy to live in a nation of social welfare... I wuold like to point out, though, that this calm water allows a lot of stuff to slip through, or, rather, a lot of nothing.....
This is an excerpt from an email circulated at my office yesterday:
"....Here's a quick overview of what the new budget means for culture.....
........Diddly squat.
The budget speech was silent on the sector, save a reference that the arts have benefited from $20 million raised through last year’s improved incentives for donations of securities to public charities. The 2007 budget expands this incentive to private foundations.
In the budget plan, there is a section on ‘celebrating culture’. The budget provides for a few programmes, with an emphasis on heritage and museums, worth about $40 million. Oh, and Quebec gets $82 million for several programmes including a Francophonie Summit in Quebec City. Gotta secure those Bloc votes.
Reaction from the sector can be described as guarded and disappointed."
Truth is, as private citizens, we are wary of rocking the boat.... We know we have it good in Canada, and its definitely not worth sacrificing what is Fan-fucking-tastic about this country for "Arts Funding" (read with a la-di-da tone please)....
.... Cuz the best art, to be honest, is created in wartorn, dictatorial, fucked up countries by angry, passionate, fucked over people..... Tolstoy, Swift, Buena Vista Social Club.... The Clash... These were all seen as artists born out of confliict and turmoil.... None of them received Grants....
There is, however, a program, at the moment, that I think would divert funds, without requiring more from individuals, and leave the money in the hands of people that are in the best position to seek out the level of conflict that does remain in Canada. The One Cent Now campaign is being spearheaded by David Miller, and other municipal leaders around the country, and asks that one of the six cents on every dollar that people currently pay in GST to the Federal government be given to the Munipalities to redistribute through their programmings and services. The Feds have already said that this one cent is almost unnecessary and I beg to differ.... The National level of Government is just too far away to see it.... Give the money to people who are face to face with problems, underfunded youth programs, shelters, arts grants, soup kitchens, afterschool programs, outreach.... all of these could profit from Harper's extra pennies.
Its worth taking a look at... It's worth supporting.... Just think what a second and a penny could do. (Like pay the salary of this poor not-for-profit employee)